Thursday, November 30, 2017


Walt, I am doing my best.
The sun has gone down
and I am still doing
my best. Though my
heart somersaults,
some day I will
proudly present you.
Though my throat
is dry I will sing
your songs. Though
no one around me
understands how
much you mean to
me, I will make them
understand. If I put
your book beneath
my pillow will you
come visit me tonight?
While my bed is empty
you should empty
my head of its contents
and have a chuckle.
Your wink tickles.
I am electric
all the way through.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Didn't ya corroborate
your story first before
coming out swinging?

If this is the new mode
of winning I am in want
of new, delectable prizes.

I am eating metals
like ice cream: I dream
you caught me drooling.

Loving school, I trip
on sentences spooled
around my ankles.

I return to you
a fool, eyes sharpened,
a touch, dangerous.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Lifetime's Work

I want to know who you will be taking home.
The warm night drinks skyfuls of smoke,
our hats collide, our eyes open and close—
we cradle our bodies, ones we used to serve
platters of teeth, our pastimes past, each better
than the last, bloodstreams coursing honey.

Your voice trembles me to honey,
remembering melted days at the home-

stead. Thought I couldn't treat anyone better
than how I treated myself. Environed by smoke
in a body-ache daze. After each lurch I'd serve
up another pallid launch. Nothing else came close.

I am unborn every time you are close
enough to salve me with glowering honey—
after our endless jive of smile and serve,
in your eyes mine call smiling home.
We drew a bath of bubbling smoke.
We couldn't wash ourselves any better.

Nobody builds me up better
for nothing, or keeps me so easy long after close:
scrubbing, lingering, dousing steam and smoke
with vinegar, grease caked on our cheeks like honey,
mopping the floor for you to take me home.
Your company is the establishment I serve.

Our deaths so far evaded, what purpose will they serve?
Are we not our perfect form, is there no better
warmth than our bitter finish? Our home-

bodies shudder, stripped by another day's close.
Our hands comb one another for honey.
Our tongues meet in catacombs of smoke.

If our fate fades into air like ascending smoke,
and we snap in two the sultans we serve,
every memory golden, as if seen through falls of honey,
each moment brought closer, every delicate touch better
than the last, I feel from all sides some close-
ness & echoed tenderness*
 cleaving too close to home.

I want to know who will serve you better.
We'll smoke raspberry leaf, 
our eyes won't ever close.
'Till then I hallucinate honey, your voice in my ears, I'm home.

*from Amiri Baraka's "Chamber Music"

Monday, November 27, 2017

looks like i'm lucky

how feeling like not
believing quickly rots
into the real raw deal

not holding breath but
finally able to say what
complications i feel

you curling into my lap
can't wait for another lap
of this whirling earth

before belonging somewhere
it's hard not to care
when i know how much you're worth

Sunday, November 26, 2017


if that's what this is
let me be the first
to hear the breaking
of the news: let me
be the one who rushes
to the hospital: let me
look without fear of
who's watching: let
letters unfold from
their chests and
augment the timeline:
we seem
in the dreamlike process
of falling under love.

Saturday, November 25, 2017


we reignited,
our incarnation
lined with 
acts of service
and carnations.

i pace the hallway
looking at it 
through a prism,
all the dizzying
ways this could
spin out.

i am clay
in your hands.
you smooth
the bumps of
my back.
and turn away.

this is the actual
arc of colliding:
the insistent 

it is like i am 
sneaking up to 
a fawn as the sun
is going down,

arrested by 
how beautiful,
to send it all 

Friday, November 24, 2017

ya slay me

ya dork
ya wink at me
asking i left something

in your car ya? 
ya silly sneak
ya permutation 

ya incognito seƱorita
plopping down on the curb
beside the wheel
turning to me so seriously
bright ya lick of sunshine
ya worth the wait
ya resplendence
ya adorably unreal
subject of the poem
stuttering our dreams
into existence

Thursday, November 23, 2017

next year

for the first time
in my life
i wanted to say
grace before
shoveling my
mouth before

grace for the land
grace for morality
grace for our time left
grace for no more waste
grace for the untapped center
grace for our monopolized eyes
grace for heaven's ashen surprise
grace for uninterrupted troubling
grace for the eradication of ignorance

grace that maybe next year
we'll set out one more plate

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

love you more

picking up pre-thanksgiving
dinner for the northerners
rolling up my sleeves
to hand out plastic cutlery
on my own time
turning toward you
at the register
it barely registered
in that instance
that you were the thing
i had asked for
insistently sweet
giving me the frowny
face when i leave
so i came back
and asked if you wanted
a little fresh air
we were followed outside
by one of our regulars
who for all their time
in the store had no clue
of the story unfolding here
when i caught up
you were putting on chap-
stick and i nearly died
from giving so much thanks

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

What I Want For Christmas

This time 'round I won't bother to wait
for good-tiding signals or cheer.
Won't even fill my Thanksgiving plate
'till I've figured what I'm getting this year.

I want flannels & chap-stick & floss.
Or a photo album aching to be filled.
Or a vial of salt from the ocean we can't cross.
A stunning snow-castle the two of us build.

Have you struck me off your list?
Blushing you confess, I have everything.
Behind your eyes, a glint of something missed.
Smiles foreshadow an early spring.

I want to give you mittens & silks & socks,
and if all those fail, you have my heart.
Wouldn't hesitate to trade a sparkling rock
for some of your mother's psychedelic art.

Some days we feel completely hopeless.
I grow restless, anticipating what's in store.
So for now, I'll think about it less.
And you think about it some more.

Monday, November 20, 2017


of the morning
wrung me out

then i got a
little warmth
in me

& through
out the rest
of the day


Sunday, November 19, 2017


These hands
won't come apart.
I'm strapped to the altar.
Your laughter casts a long
shadow over the sentence.
This time, our tying
together, let's call it
Weren't you put here
to make music?
If there is some ending
excepting me,
let it be your way out.
Through the bars
our hands come apart,
before you slide back
into the jealous dark
how it always was.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

gimmee your honesty

i'm sedating myself.
not worrying for once.
you thought about it.
told me what you thought.
it's unsettling.
our switched places.
delay diminishing.
no more need for wishing.
neck hairs bristling.
omnipresent blessings askew.
i'm full of color.
collecting my composure.
where to go i'm never sure.
but i'm going with you.

Friday, November 17, 2017


about what i don't know but
damn it feels good to be fooled
bamboozled by your entrance
and despite that shadow that
followed you in after i swallowed
my boiling jealousy and let it
cook my nerves till they swerved
out my mouth into yours our hands
touching your eyes darting round
the lot to see if the shadow lingered
but again i don't care and again
i had it wrong all these silly songs
i've been stacking up must amount
to something you told me i want
to hold you all day
and wish it
could be that way

Thursday, November 16, 2017

calming myself down

it's clear how crazy
outta control clenching
my jaw waiting on you
to kiss just underneath
my chin i'm just beginning
my descent into decency
relinquishing control 
to you what a plan 
it's so damn unbalanced
i can't even begin to 
recalibrate so i think
i can handle this distance
helps me remember how 
little you probably
think of me
and how okay with that
i'm trying to be

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


the word snakes 'round my tongue.
a strict confection. a bruised band
just below my shoulders. in my arms

the nothing i hold now tightens itself
to my chest. the labyrinth of how to
get back to you disintegrates. i'm a

taurus with a stiff neck. can't look up
at the stars. can't waste in silence. since
splitting me open you went back to

the way it was. never asked how i was.
was it different, for you? could you tell
who i was? could you spell it out, why-

oh-you? the piano pounds my lungs.
my fingers trace outlines of once-
perfected space. see, where i'm from,

we breathe through the aberration,
grew used to switching hot and cold.
i can't use your excuse. fidgety fingers

extract a pulse. like so much crime,
it's on the rise. i better quit. were you
hoping you had nothing to do with it?

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

ready or not

here i, the sum
of my advances,
in my coat of
arms barely
reaching, breath-
ing irregularly,
the recipe
for equilibrium
using: honey,
the tips of your
fingers & a
selective memory.
i'm cooking
up something:
it's barely
edible, yet
my mouth
like blades
of grass
after a day-
long rain.

Monday, November 13, 2017

I Won't Call It Progress

Some other word will do
an extant offering, plot ex-
plosion/erosion. Shifting
comfort zones. Barely
brave enough to utter
your name.
I'm ready& sorry
you're not. It's amusing,
if you're looking at it
from over there.
Wind electrifies
my hair and I stare
at the mountains
in the rear-view mirror.
Then look toward you.
It's not even close.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

follow what feels good

holy crud you have sunk your mandibles
into the flesh of my touchy existence you
feather plucked from the pore of an extra-
vagant bird you creepy-crawling light-loving
well-meaning winged wonder i'm so got damn
over-the-wall wasting away in your garden
smelling my breath or is that all just a spectre
hanging 'round my hopefulness the shape
of your legs draped over mine the dips
and bone-hooks of your back i am building
a map in my sleep ripping this spell out of me
sinking my feet into whatever wheels turn
furiously for aching six months pent up
and resisting onslaught of bitter thoughts
i lost my touch but you were there & found
it tearing pages from the far-within sigh
folding into close-held vehemence before
relenting to the stand-still of our mobius strip
kiss god i cannot say this any other way
you beckoned me then went & wrecked me
this childish limerence spins the worst
lullabies & every window is a mirror
without you softly sleepily laying across
my lap lasting for once i said to you
i wish that i could kiss you everywhere
and always
the sorrowful bridge of fingers
collapsing as you pull away & glasses
getting stuck in your hair i am memory-sick
gluing the mosaic of our evening onto
dark-sky murals rippling with love-score
& maybe i am completely unchanged
but i will never forget who i was before
you said that can be arranged

Saturday, November 11, 2017


in the course
of several hours:
akimbo, a blimp
stuck in the throat
as you stay in 
the vicinity,
an unusual gift.
barely etching 
out the words 
to stretch my 
what's expected
i defer: what's
reflected i demur.
fold into my arms.
this hide-and-seek
slick story shit
is gonna be worth it
even if it's the last
memory we share.

Friday, November 10, 2017

close quarters

fleshy, unthinkable
& sun setting red
the ebb and flow

of our story
finds its root
in the pierce'd
kiss plausible
yet impossible

i am twelve
and what is this

forever i'm
in love with

wish it was
always this
easy to smile

wish you
could hear
me better

Thursday, November 9, 2017

my (o)mission

to get tipsy
without falling

to sing songs

to catch yr eye

to take ya home

we make good
on our promises

& we look good
in the darkness

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

rapid battery suspense auction

freezer burnt
creme brulee

paper towel

ice floe
fur skin

red forge

fire paralysis

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

throat lump

worming my way
through candle wax
afternoon with bitter
taste of twin cups
of coffee lingering
my logistical chances
at making it dwindling
disrobing my doubts
over whether or not
we will feint our hands
into catching a rash
feeling in our knees
and toes that one
of these roads
leads us further
into the mountains

Monday, November 6, 2017


reverts to comfort-
able state of being
that being waylaid
or way-too-laid-
back whichever
state makes persist-
ent failure okay
i'm complacently
adjacent to an
enviable life
watching it through
the would-be-glass
brings me no closer
to the other side
i'm reeling and
kneeling darling
if they ask where
i was only silence
can describe

Sunday, November 5, 2017


it is unacceptable
to call him anything

maybe murderer

maybe rotten

it doesn't deserve
a poem

he's a terrorist

who looks like me

how skin
and bones bear
with such

i don't even know

Saturday, November 4, 2017

let me down again

wise angel, where did you go?
i'm doing things i don't wanna.
was this what they meant by
following your passion? who
pitted these bananas inadvertently
against each other? my tongue
blooms fuzzy. forlorning. fast
afraid of what it might take
to unspool someone else's
song. what privacy waits
gathered in someone else's
arms? uncomfortable offering
and reimagining of second
& third senses. relentless
milling of teeth and slack
jaw jutting inward. second
cup of coffee. caring,
as in capitulating.

Friday, November 3, 2017

twelfth hour turbulence

surrounded by
mopping the
floor mopping
up my frustration
the trajectory
of my career
piling up the
money touching
elbows insisting
on a full-fledged
effort towards

Thursday, November 2, 2017

as the drones do their contractual bidding

I meander

meaning, I
am full of wonder
as if these were
not the same walls
between which
I have

I am asunder

hardly cogent
or breathing
assembling scene
decoys - return
of the day-draining
dream - oh honey
you used to say

and I laughed
like it was some
kinda beautiful

the poem welts
in my periphery

with sharp

of the good
god grind

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


sweet sleep
you never
how long
i waited
to climb
inside you

how lasting
my wasting
and how
a pillow
out of me