Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Possibly you're untouchable,
possibly you're a ball of light
untouchable in the fog.

I don't know how it works.

Through the mystic wrappings
of nature's balmy breath
everything is a delicious mystery.

The long stare of the street-light
bathing leaves in white,
the cold cough of pigeons
rifling through the silence.

Possibly you're cooing, somewhere.

Men sleeping beneath elms
of autumn open up like clams.

Silver-licked envelopes,
nestled like eggs in a metal nest,
are all set to cross the country.
Expect lots of ochre, mandarin,
possibly a dash of wheat.
For myself I keep only a golden.


  1. Hey Caleb,

    I was wondering if I could get your email, because me and someone else are thinking of setting up a small workshop for poetry, and we'd really like for you to be a part of it. mercy.isolated@gmail.com

    Hit me up!

    - Nicole

  2. Hey, it's Kaleb.
    And you can reach me at kalamari93@gmail.com

    Looking forward to it!
