Sunday, February 7, 2010

a burrowed birthday (much like sunken treasure), that I promise to one day dig up.

we all could have done more, done something better for
the girl who should always get more,
but instead always gets up— up to squint into the sun,
up into the hurricane, up to the mountains
where she'll always wannna be.

but today....

today should be special.
today should be grand.
an I wish I had more power over my (our) life,
or maybe I wish my left wrist was stronger, I dunno.
the only thing I can whisper in your ear, and be sure,

is that no matter who's around, no matter how anybody treats
you or sees you or thinks about you,
you'll be nestling in the blanketfolds of my mind,
a newly minted kind of girl (woman), held high above anyone else,
where you should always be....

today and then some.

editor's note: Okay, so I'm still feeling a lot tired and a little weird since you've left, but that's okay, because I miss you and hope you have the best possible 18th birthday that you could ever achieve. You deserve so much. I love you.


  1. this is wonderful. i creeped.

  2. "you'll be nestling in the blanketfolds of my mind,"

    Loved that <33
